
The research & strategy consultancy that understands “gamers”

Cut to the chase

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Gen Z farming /social simulator players

Did you know that in 2020, about 70% of farming/social simulator fans between the ages of 16-20 in the U.S. who play games like Animal Crossing, or Stardew Valley on PC or Nintendo Switch have also played The Sims or Minecraft in the last 30 days? Did you know that they’re the largest generation of gamers in history, and that they feel more misrepresented in media than any other generation?


Trading /collectable card game players

Do you know why some gamers play Hearthstone, while others play Magic: The Gathering Arena? Do you know what they think of Gwent? Do you know how to enter and position yourself within the burgeoning TCG/CCG mobile market?


Female multicultural RPG players

Do you know the difference between high fantasy, sci-fi, or JRPG fans? What about action, tactical, or sandbox RPG players? Do you know why identity is such an important motivation for female gamers across the various subsegments of one of gaming’s largest genres?


Chinese casual

mobile gamers

In China, mobile games are associated more closely with gambling than just purely entertainment. The amount of money players spend in-game is seen as a status symbol.

A few of our clients

“Today, being a gamer is cool, but back when I was in high school, it was easier to come out to my friends than it was to admit I played World of Warcraft.”

—Millennial LGBTQ MMORPG player

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

We’ve noticed a need for the nuanced audience research and insights required to truly understand and connect with gamers. The faster gaming becomes part of mainstream culture, the more apparent this need has become to us. We’re the rare combination of lifelong gamers and experienced marketers helping studios, publishers, agencies and brands keep up with culture.